Innisfail Career High School focuses high school planning around the student's choice of career, whether that choice involves post-secondary education, an apprenticeship program, or simply entering the work force with a High School Diploma.
Exam Tips
Quest A+ - Practice site for writing tests for grades 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Learning Styles
- What's your learning style? Answer these quick 20 questions to find out.
Career Planning Sites
ALIS (Alberta Learning Information Services) - Alberta's leading on-line source for career, learning and employment information and services. Here you'll find the resources you need to start making the most of your future.
Alis: Look for Work - This link provides tips on writing a resume, planning for an interview, finding work, and so much more.
Trade Secrets - The trade secrets site contains information for anyone who is interested in apprenticing in the trades.
Youth Canada - Over 230 programs, services and resources to help you plan your career, find work experience, get a job ect.
Careers: The Next Generation - A unique organization that helps students earn while they learn through internship. CAREERS currently offers programs in the health services, trades and industrial technologies.